Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Condo shoot

so I haven't updated the blog in awhile so will be posting pictures i've done over the last year . 
This was a family shoot I did for a family in my aunt and uncles condo we shot it in the party room in the penthouse. took a bit for the kiddies to warm up to the camera but got some great shots.
©2013 Amanda Manners Photography

©2013 Amanda Manners Photography

©2013 Amanda Manners Photography

©2013 Amanda Manners Photography

©2013 Amanda Manners Photography

©2013 Amanda Manners Photography

Sleeping baby

©2013 Amanda Manners Photography

©2013 Amanda Manners Photography

©2013 Amanda Manners Photography

Did a photoshoot of my new baby cousin Liam. we shot it outdoors because its his favourite place to sleep lol . he loved the sheep fur and its the only thing that kept him sleeping .